Monday, February 18, 2008

Email, IM, Text Messaging, Webinairs

The email productivity tips like writing less and using mail templates are helpful, even for my daily home use. The Rushford Public Library Board communicates through email fairly effectively, as does the SELCO Board and Executive Committee. There are certainly times when IM can be more effective, also.
I have used IM only a bit through Gizmo. Much quicker than email. (I have watched students trying to hide their IM'ing during classes, diversions I have not appreciated.)
After reading the articles and watching the UTube video, I now understand how these tools can work for libraries, and once staff gain training, publicizing them locally is important.
After listening to Tom Peters' Webinair, I downloaded a WebJunction podcast from Texas introducing the "Moyers on America Citizens Class," a conversation on how librarians could use the series and its many associated materials and website.

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