Friday, March 27, 2009

Thing 27: Twitter

After much speculation, I started a Twitter account. I watched the Common Craft video for basic info, the How I Made 5000 Twitter Friends in 90 Days for one person's suggestions, and read the WebJunction Beginner's Guides for various Twitter uses and additional ways to jazz up its use.
Katherine Boehret's beginning paragraph mentions that several of her friends in their 20s and 30s were asking her about Twitter. How about her older friends. Are oldsters Tweeting also?
In The Big Juicy Twitter Guide, Caroline Middlebrook's word "Twitetiquette," means "the etiquette of using Twitter." Though she is mainly interested in internet marketing, her points about starting, followers, and favorites are helpful.
See, I'm learning some Twitter jargon.
Reading on, I see that bad Twitter manners occur occasionally.
Will I find Twitter as a useful microblogging tool, or as totally unnecessary?

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