Saturday, April 12, 2008

Thing #23 One Last Thing

At last! Here I am at Thing #23. Here are some last words on the project. I plan to continue this blog.
* Go back to your thoughts/ideas about Library 2.0. Has anything changed as a result of this experience? I tried many different internet activities, starting with this blog.
* What were your favorite Things and discoveries? Investigating LibraryThing led me to Shelfari, a reading-list site that works well.
* How did you connect with others doing the 23 Things On a Stick?I began to make "friends" on interactive sites. I enjoyed sharing notes about the program with others face-to-face.
* Were there any take-a-ways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you? I learned to use ELM effectively, after having little success before.
* What could we do differently to improve upon this program’s format or content? Explain Ning earlier.
* If we offered a 23 More Things On a Stick program like this in the future would you participate? Yes.
* How would you describe your learning experience in one word or in one sentence, so we could use your words to promote 23 Things On a Stick learning activities to others? A huge project -- very challenging and rewarding.

1 comment:

23 Things said...

I think putting Ning earlier is a great idea--would make the connections easier.

Congrats on finishing all 23 things. Sounds like you enjoyed it and learned some new things.

Watch for more on a stick in the fall or winter!